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A Deep breath of The Lighted Crystal

Technical support : TSUKAGOSHI Touji

Inspiration / Expiration

The increments of the light in the "Translucent Tranquilizer" are controlled by the mathematical dictates of an exponential curve.
An exponential curve can express a physical phenomenon in nature. For example,when we place a metal ball on a waterway,which has a smoothed bottom and is filled with continuously flowing water, we can see the velocity of the metal ball,reflected in an air-tight container is also reflected by the same curve. The controlled light of the "Translucent Tranquilizer" is like respiration. I think there is a reason that there are many "exponential curved phenomena" inside our bodies.

The Rhythm

The cycle was set a 1/3 or 1/4 of the breathing rate for a human being at rest. I expected to cool down our mental conditions,like taking "Tranquilizer". This rhythm is created by an analog-circuits. Analog-circuits were once regarded as an old fashion-expensive and inaccurate. As the rhythm varied under the influence of temperature,humidity and supplied voltage,it is perfectly suitable for expressing of "Tomoko NINOMIYA's world",which is quiet and cool,but warm.

photo by T.Tsukagoshi
material:wax,medical instluments,LED...
copyright 1999 Touji Tsukagoshi

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